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From just £15 per year - see HERE for details Introduction'Faith and Thought' is the working name of the Victoria Institute.
Since 1865, this has been a forum for those who wish to hold together Christian faith and advances in scientific knowledge. We seek to communicate these issues to the non-specialist. Our journal Faith&Thought published twice a year, seeks to convey to non-specialists the pastoral and ethical implications of advances in science. It also contains the text of lectures from our Annual Symposium. A full archive of back issues of Faith & Thought (and earlier publications of The Victoria Institute) are available online at Science and Christian Belief is published jointly with Christians in Science. Officers must be evangelical Christians, but membership is open to those of all faiths or none. Find out more about becoming a member here (subscription starts at just £10 per year). Sign up for emails:We occasionally send out emails to interested parties and members. If you are not currently receiving these then please sign up using the form below.
Direct link to the mailchimp landing page is here: Latest News:
Get Published in Faith&Thought Journal
Have you written an article relating Science and Christian Faith which might be suitable for publication? We welcome submissions in various forms:
Our constitution states 'Papers presented to the Society shall be considered as the property of the Society unless there shall have been any previous engagement with its author to the contrary, and the Council may cause the same to be published in any way and at any time it may think proper.'
The full constitution is here |
Encouraging Junior Scholars![]() An opportunity for publication of Student Essays
Faith&Thought are keen to encourage younger and newer scholars to publish papers and we are approaching a number of theological colleges to ask if you might consider assisting us. Higher education students produce many essays each year and we would like to offer the opportunity for the better submissions to become more widely read by publishing them in our journal. The word length for this would be between 1000 and 5000 words. We offer a prize of £100 for each essay that we publish. We cover a wide range of disciplines, with a broadly scientific outlook, but in the past this has included Archaeology, Linguistics, Philosophy as well as Evolutionary Biology and Theoretical Physics etc. Our readers are mostly 'educated generalists' and our papers tend to be slightly less rigorously 'academic' than our sister publication 'Science and Christian Belief'. At present we do not operate a full peer-review process. We would be very happy to answer any queries you may have in relation to this and thank-you for considering this opportunity. Faith & Thought Academic Grants![]() Are you engaged in or planning postgraduate study of some form into the area of Faith & Thought? Perhaps you’re planning a sabbatical, or enrolled on a course already. Maybe you work for an academic institution and would like to pursue your own study or research area? We are making available two grants per year of £1000 each to support such work. Maybe you know someone else who would benefit from this? Find out more here including the application form.
If you can publicise this initiative for us then we would be most grateful, a poster can be downloaded here: ECLAS ProjectECLAS is a separate organisation with whom we have much in common. As well as conducting orignal research, ECLAS supports Science for Seminaries and Scientists in Congregations and provides leadership conferences. Find out more by clicking the image below.