The Victoria Institute or Philosophical Society of Great Britain was originally formed in 1865, in part as a response to the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life and also of Charles Lyell's Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man.
The published journal was originally the rather grandly titled 'Journal of the Transactions of The Victoria Institute' (JTVI for short), this was originally published quarterly.
In 1958 the format changed to a soft cover, three times a year periodical entitled 'Faith and Thought'. In the foreword to the 1958 edition F.F. Bruce (then President of the Institute) wrote: 'The Victoria Institute was an avowedly Christian society, but its founders were not of that company who trembled in case the ark of God might be taken by the Philistines and were haunted by the fear that some new discovery might undermine the biblical interpretation (they) had a robust conviction that all truth was God's truth, and they had no anxiety lest their investigations should lead to the discovery of inconvenient or unpalatable facts.' This remains a pretty good description of our intentions to the present day! |
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